
Justizministerium des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen

Source: BLB NRW, Fotograf Florian Beckers

Ministry of Justice

Essential information about the Ministry of Justice, the Minister and the Secretary of State

The Ministry of Justice is located at Martin-Luther-Platz 40 in 40212 Düsseldorf and can be contacted by

  • telephone (+49 (0) 211 8792-0),
  • fax (+49 (0) 211 8792-456) or
  • via email (see imprint).

"Regardless of education, previous career or current position, we are working towards the common goal of creating the appropriate conditions to ensure that the judiciary can fulfill its duties and obligations." - An extract from the leading principles of the Ministry of Justice of North Rhine-Westphalia.


  • Ordner
    About us

    Click here for an overview of the supreme regional authorities of the judicial administration of North Rhine-Westphalia with its executives. You will also find all important contact details of the Ministry of Justice.

  • Ordner

    Information on how you can find the Ministry of Justice (Ministerium der Justiz).

  • Ordner
    Dr Benjamin Limbach, Minister of Justice

    Introducing the Minister of Justice of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia

  • Ordner
    Dr Daniela Brückner, Deputy Minister

    Introducing the Deputy Minister for Justice of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia.

  • Ordner
    Quality LawNRW:
    Efficient. Cost-effective. Competent.

    Today, businesses and individuals rely on courts of law that can meet the demand for high-quality, efficient and fast adjudication, even in the most specialised matters. In North Rhine-Westphalia, we respond to this by being the first German state to concentrate legal cases that involve industry, commerce and cutting-edge technologies in a few courts as expertise hubs.

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Video about the Judiciary in North Rhine-Westphalia 04:50